Sixth Stop: Subcultures from Fiji.
In Fiji we find various subcultures, despite the fact that it is an archipelago with little population. When doing the research I realized that the islande rs and the Sawau are 2 very characteristic subcultures of Fiji. The islanders are characterized by dedicating themselves to tourism and fishing, they are also characterized by having a brunette skin color, very floral and comfortable clothes for the heat and the beach and with many accessories, tattoos and piercings. The Sawau, is made up of 6 villages on the island of Beqa, characterized by having multiple traditions and 2 cultural expressions Vilavilairevo (Walk on fire) and Yavirau or Qolikubu - (fish unit). These 2 subcultures if you have the opportunity to go to Fiji, you will get to know them more closely and learn about them. Fiji has a lot of culture, traditions, social groups, tribes and everything you can imagine.