
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2021

Sixth Stop: Subcultures from Fiji.

In Fiji we find various subcultures, despite the fact that it is an archipelago with little population.  When doing the research I realized that the islande rs and the Sawau  are 2 very characteristic subcultures of Fiji. The islanders are characterized by dedicating themselves to tourism and fishing, they are also characterized by having a brunette skin color, very floral and comfortable clothes for the heat and the beach and with many accessories, tattoos and piercings. The Sawau, is made up of 6 villages on the island of Beqa, characterized by having multiple traditions and 2 cultural expressions Vilavilairevo (Walk on fire) and Yavirau or Qolikubu - (fish unit). These 2 subcultures if you have the opportunity to go to Fiji, you will get to know them more closely and learn about them. Fiji has a lot of culture, traditions, social groups, tribes and everything you can imagine.

Fifth stop: Colombia vs Fiji.

Fiji and Colombia are countries that are geographically talking, very far away, so it is common that there are some differences between their cultures,  but we also find aspects that they have in common. We are going to analyze the following graph, to better understand according to the  Hofstede  model,   t he differences between Fiji and Colombia . Colombia = Blue                Fiji =Purple So when looking at the previous graph, we can realize that Colombia differs a lot from Fiji in the aspects of uncertainly avoidance, long term orientation and indulgence,  since we can see that Fiji has 32 points of difference in  uncertainly avoidance  and it does not apply to the other 2, this means that Colombia it is a country that does not like to make very risky decisions, they focus a lot on the future and they like to follow the imposed norms. But they are very similar in aspects like power distan...

Fourth stop: Lewis Model.

Lewis's model aims to categorize cultures according to people's behaviors. This came to the conclusion that we can classify cultures into 3 categories: Linear-active, Multi-active and Reactive. When we focus on the behavior of the Fijian community, we realize that it falls between  near linear active and multi active.   This means that they are characterized mainly by: Doing several things at the same time, display their feelings, they are quite polite but direct, they are totally rational, so they adhere to the facts and separate the social from the professional. So Fijians have a balance between being very cool and decisive planners, but also emotional and loquacious.